Surety Bond News

Dealers of Tiny Houses In Utah Need Surety Bond

Tiny house dealers in Utah need to post a surety bond and become licensed before opening a business. The Department of Occupational and Professional Licensing (DOPL) regulates dealers of tiny houses and issues their licenses. Tiny house dealers must register with…

Coal Industry Decline Fuels Self-Bonding Concerns

As several U.S.-based coal companies face declining stock prices, bankruptcies and the lowest production rates since the 1980s, their ability to honor self-bonding obligations has been called into question. There are nearly $4 billion in outstanding self-bonding obligations among…

Peabody Energy Posts Surety Bonds in Colorado

Peabody Energy, a St. Louis-based coal mining company, has purchased surety bonds to cover reclamation costs in Colorado. The bond purchase follows a complaint filed by WildEarth Guardians—an environmental advocacy group whose efforts are focused on…