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Surety Bond Required For Private Schools In New Jersey

Private career schools in New Jersey need a surety bond

New Jersey private career schools must purchase and file a surety bond that is $20,000, or 5% of the annual gross tuition income from the previous 3 years, whichever amount is greater. Private career schools are defined as either for-profit or not-for-profit schools that charge tuition or receive public funding for preparing students for further education or the workforce. They are regulated by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s Center for Occupational Employment Information (COEI). 

In addition to the surety bond, schools also need a Certificate of Approval from New Jersey’s Department of Labor and Workforce Development and Department of Education. The certificate is valid for two years and must be prominently displayed at the private career school.

Private career school owner-applicants must submit the following documents to be reviewed by the Department of Education’s Training Evaluation Unit:

Copies of these forms and detailed checklists are available on the Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s website. Applicants must pay a non-refundable $1,150 application fee, made payable to the State Treasurer. Schools must also submit an application for renewal every two years when the school renews its Certificate of Approval along with a $900 renewal application fee. If a school submits its renewal after its Certificate has expired, it will be required to pay the original $1,150 fee. If a renewal application is submitted more than 30 days after the Certificate’s expiration, the school will be considered closed by the state.

Get in touch with the Department of Labor and Workforce Development for more information about the new regulations. If you’re ready, the experts at can help you get bonded in New Jersey.