Court Bonds

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Court Surety Bond Guide

Court proceedings often require surety bonds to verify personal credibility and financial integrity for certain parties. Learn how different types of court bonds work and how to get the one you need. is licensed to issue court bonds in every state. 

What Is a Court Bond? Definition & Meaning

A court bond is a type of surety bond that guarantees an individual will fulfill a court-ordered obligation. Court bonds may be necessary to:

  • Reduce the risk of financial loss following a ruling
  • Ensure fulfillment of a court-appointed task

How Do Court Bonds Work?

A court surety bond provides a financial guarantee that the principal will fulfill their court-appointed obligation according to the bond terms. The bond contract involves three parties: 

  • Principal: The individual performing the court-appointed obligation
  • Obligee: The entity requiring the bond — the court
  • Surety: The provider that issues the bond is the nation’s top surety provider. We offer the best service, fastest delivery and most affordable court bond prices in the industry. 

Judicial Bonds vs. Fiduciary Bonds

Court bond is an umbrella term encompassing a range of bond types for various court proceedings. They can be split into two main categories:

  1. Judicial Bonds: A judicial bond is typically required to limit losses that could result from a court ruling. Because surety underwriters cannot easily predict the outcome of court rulings, judicial bonds are more risky, making the qualifications more difficult.
  2. Fiduciary/Probate Bonds: Fiduciary and probate bonds are interchangeable terms for bonds required of individuals appointed to care for others or manage others’ assets. They ensure individuals fulfill their duties ethically and according to court-appointed expectations.

Court Bond Types

Learn more about specific types of judicial and probate bonds. Click the links below to get a free quote for the court bond you need.

Types of Fiduciary/Probate Court Bonds

Probate and fiduciary are interchangeable terms for bonds required of individuals appointed by the court to care for others or manage others’ assets. These bonds ensure that these individuals fulfill their court-appointed duties according to the court’s expectations.

Administrator Bond

  • Administrator bonds protect creditors and beneficiaries from fraudulent or negligent activity of an estate administrator. The probate court appoints administrators to handle the estate of a deceased person without a will.
Child Custody Bond
  • Child custody bonds help protect the safety of children involved in divorce proceedings. The bond may be required for parents with histories of custody violations before they can take a child on a trip or gain other temporary custody.
Custodian/Guardianship Bond
  • Custodian bonds or guardianship bonds ensure an appointed custodian will care for an individual and their finances honestly and according to court expectations. Individuals who care for minors, the elderly or disabled individuals often need these bonds.
Executor Bond
  • Executor bonds ensure estates are managed according to the wills of the deceased. Before an individual can become an official executor, the court may require them to file a surety bond.
Nominal Bond of Personal Representative (Maryland)
  • This bond helps to prevent fraud or embezzlement when a personal representative is not indicated in a will. It requires the court-appointed personal representative to use the estate to pay all taxes, court fees and debts the decedent owes.
VA Fiduciary Bond
  • This bond is the same as fiduciary/probate bonds, except it allows veterans’ friends and family members to act as their fiduciaries. This gives those closest to veterans the ability to obtain control of assets and avoid paying extensive court fees.
Trustees, Mortgagees, Attorneys or Foreclosure Bond
  • This bond guarantees fulfillment of court orders regarding sale of a foreclosed property and proper management of funds.
Receivership Bond
  • This bond protects property and assets when an individual or company is facing financial distress or legal disputes in court.

Types of Judicial Court Bonds

Appeal Bond
  • An appeal bond guarantees the original judgment will be paid in full if the appeal is denied. Most courts require individuals to file a surety bond before hearing an appeal case to discourage appeals that would waste time.

Bankruptcy Court Auctioneer Bonds

  • U.S. bankruptcy court auctioneer bonds are required by courts for individuals or organizations acting as auctioneers or salespersons in bankruptcy events.
Bond for Cost (Cost Bond)
  • A cost court bond allows reimbursement for legal and court fees for the defendant if a plaintiff loses their case. These are also referred to as undertakings.
Indemnity to Sheriff Bond
  • Sheriff’s indemnity bonds protect law enforcement officers involved with legal seizure of property as ordered by a plaintiff.
Injunction Bond
  • An injunction bond indemnifies the defendant in a civil suit from damages incurred by an unnecessary injunction or temporary restraining order.
Plaintiff’s-Attachment Bond
  • This bond is required when a plaintiff wants to attach the defendant’s property as security for a pending claim. It guarantees the plaintiff will pay damages if the court determines the property was wrongfully held from the defendant.
Replevin Bond
  • These bonds are required before a plaintiff can execute a writ of replevin. Replevin bonds ensure winning defendants get their property back after a lawsuit is settled.
Release of Lien Bond
  • Contractors or individuals who want to release a mechanic’s lien on a property must purchase a release of lien bond to transfer financial liability.


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