How much does a waste tire transporter bond in Louisiana cost?
The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) requires waste tire transporters to purchase a $10,000 surety bond. In addition, transporters must request authorization before doing business by submitting a notification form to the DEQ.
Waste tire transporter surety bond premiums will vary between applicants because the bonds are subject to strict underwriting. Qualified applicants can expect to get the best available rate—typically around 2% of the total bond amount—thanks to our team of experts.
Give us a call at (800) 308-4358 or submit your information online and get your free, no-obligation quote!
Why do I need this bond?
Louisiana waste tire transporters are required to purchase a surety bond to ensure their compliance with Louisiana Annotated Code, Section 10523 of Title 33. Transporters are those who transport more than 20 waste tires within the state.
In order to legally transport waste tires, applicants must submit the following information to the DEQ:
- Notification form
- Proof of commercial liability insurance for each vehicle that will transport tires
- Copy of each vehicle’s registration or lease agreement
- $100 annual certification fee
- $25 fee for each vehicle transporting tires
The bond acts as financial security in the event that a transporter violates any laws. The DEQ can revoke authorization from transporters for a few reasons:
- Failure to maintain complete and accurate records of waste tire shipments
- Falsification of shipping documents or waste tire manifests
- Delivery of waste tires to a facility not permitted to accept the tires
- Unauthorized disposal or collection of waste tires
If a transporter does violate a law resulting in damages, the bond will cover the cost of any valid claims. However, the principal (the person purchasing the bond) is responsible for reimbursing the surety for the amount of any claims paid.
Our team of experts will work hard to get you the bond you need quickly, easily, and accurately. Give us a call today at 1 (800) 308-4358 or submit an online bond request form to get bonded!
What’s the fine print?
Waste tire transporter authorization expires each year on July 31. The DEQ requires transporters apply to renew their authorization every July 1. Waste tire transporters will receive decals for each vehicle they will use, which must be displayed on the vehicle’s driver and passenger side windows. The transporter must keep their authorization certificate in the vehicle at all times.