How much does a driver education program bond cost in Maryland?
Maryland driver education program surety bond amounts are set at $40,000. These bonds require underwriting consideration, which means the amount you’ll pay for your bond is subject to a review of your credit report.
Simply fill out our online bond request form or give us a call at 1 (800) 308-4358 to connect with an expert surety specialist and get a free surety bond quote.
If you’re ready to get bonded, call at 1 (800) 308-4358 or fill out our online bond request form.
Why do I need this bond?
Maryland driver education program surety bonds allow the people of the state or the Motor Vehicle Administration itself to file a claim to recover any damages suffered due to professional malpractice on the part of the principal (driver education program provider). Under this bond, customer’s tuition is guaranteed to be refunded in the case of the sudden closure of a driver education program.
Ready to get bonded? Give us a call at 1 (800) 308-4358 or submit a quote request today.
What’s the fine print?
Maryland driver education program surety bonds are required by the Driver Instruction Services Division of the Motor Vehicle Administration. The bond’s term must run concurrent with the licensing period. This specific bond is continuous until canceled, and the surety company must provide at least 45 days of notice if the bond were to be canceled.
How to start a driver education program in Maryland
All applicants must meet the following criteria:
- be 21 years or older
- not have a pending criminal charge for fraud, moral crime, a sex offense, contributing to the delinquency of a minor or any drug offense in the last 5 years
- have a record free of delinquent taxes owed to the state
- have a designated office in Maryland with posted business hours
- be in compliance with all applicable state laws
All applications for a driver's education program license should be accompanied by:
- an application fee determined by the administration
- a description of the type of instruction given
- a list of instructors along with qualifications
- a list of courses offered and education requirements for teaching them
- a copy of the curriculum containing course descriptions, performance objectives, topics covered, stands for completion, videos shown, textbooks used, typical schedules, copies of examination materials and a description of enrollment eligibility
- a list of each training vehicle to be used including the make, license number, year and vehicle identification number
- a statement under penalty of perjury that the applicant has never had a driver’s license suspended or revoked
Each application has a license fee of $1,700. Should any of the information on an application be found to be false, the state reserves the right to revoke or suspend a license. A decision on a completed application packet will be made within 60 days of submission.
Our experts understand these license and bond requirements and are ready to answer all of your questions. Submit a bond request to connect with a surety specialist right away.