Overweight/Oversize Permit Bonds

400,000+ Bonds issued to 250,000+ satisfied customers.

Coverage Amount: $10,000 - $15,000
Term Length: 1 year
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Texas Over Gross Weight & Oversize Permit Bond Guide

If you plan to haul overweight or oversize freight in Texas, you must be bonded with the Motor Carrier Division. 

Quick Bond Facts

  • Purpose: To ensure overweight and oversize motor carriers are financially liable for any damages to Texas roads
  • Who Needs It: Overweight, oversize, super heavy and over axle motor carriers 
  • Regulating Body: Texas Department of Motor Vehicles — Motor Carrier Division
  • Required Amount: $15,000 for an over axle and over gross weight tolerance permit bond or $10,000 for a superheavy or oversize permit bond 
  • Premium Rates: $100

Keep scrolling to learn more about how overweight and oversize permit bonds work in Texas. 

What Is a Texas Overweight/Oversize Permit Bond?

In Texas,  motor carriers must file a $15,000 surety bond to receive a permit to operate a vehicle above certain legal axle and gross weight limits per Texas Administrative Code 219.30

Texas oversize permit bonds guarantee motor carriers will conduct business and operate equipment according to Chapter 623 of the Transportation Code. If state or county roads are damaged due to accidents or noncompliant drivers, the surety bond can be used to pay for damages.  

How Much Do Overweight/Oversize Permit Bonds Cost in Texas?

Texas over gross weight, over axle and oversize permit bonds cost $100. Since no credit check is required, everyone qualifies right away. Select your bond below to purchase now. 

Bond Type
$15,000Over Axle and Over Gross Weight Tolerance Permit Bond
$10,000Superheavy or Oversize Permit Bond

Super heavy or oversize permit bonds expire on August 31st each year. Your bond premium may be prorated based on the purchase date.

How Does a Texas Overweight/Oversize Permit Bond Work?

Texas oversize load permit bonds create a financial guarantee between three parties: 

  1. Principal: The freight carrier purchasing the bond
  2. Obligee: The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles — Motor Carrier Division requiring the bond
  3. Surety: The provider issuing the bond

The surety ensures that principals will pay for any damages that are sustained to Texas highways and public roads.

Who Needs an Overweight/Oversize Permit Bond?

The Texas Department of Transportation requires motor carriers hauling oversize or super heavy loads in the state to post $10,000 surety bonds.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles requires operators of any over axle or super heavy load to file a $15,000 bond. This includes any vehicle that exceeds the legal axle weight by a tolerance of 10% and the legal gross weight by a tolerance of 5% on any county road or state highway.

How Do I Get an Overweight/Oversize Permit Bond in Texas?

At SuretyBonds.com, we offer instant Texas overweight and oversize permit bond delivery 24/7. Simply provide your name, address, and county for filing approval. Then, you can buy your bond online. 

Checkout now to receive your official Texas permit bond in minutes via email.

How Do I Update or Change My Permit Bond?

If the Texas DMV requires your overweight/oversize permit bond form to be updated for any reason, contact your surety company to explain the needed change. 

If you purchased your bond from SuretyBonds.com, email [email protected] to explain the needed change. The most common changes requested for the oversize permit bond are updating your name, address or county.

How to Renew Your Overweight/Oversize Permit Bond

You’ll need to renew your bond before its current term expires:

  • Over axle and over gross weight tolerance bonds expire after one year.
  • Super heavy or oversize permit bonds expire annually on August 31. 

Once you pay your SuretyBonds.com renewal invoice, we’ll send instructions to keep your bond active for your next term. 

Who Enforces Texas Weight Tolerance Permits? 

The Texas DMV Motor Carrier Division regulates over axle and over gross weight tolerance permitholders in the state. If you have questions about your permit application, existing original permit or surety bond, you can contact the Motor Carrier Division. 

How to Get a Texas Over Axle and Over Gross Weight Tolerance Permit

Make sure you verify the weight and size limits before applying for a special motor carrier permit. Here's a quick overview of the DMV’s overweight or oversize carrier permit process:

  1. Register your vehicle with the DMV.
  2. Purchase and file a surety bond.
  3. Apply on the Texas DMV Permitting System website or by mail. 
  4. Pay all required fees and any additional charges made based on counties for which you're applying.

Submit mail-in applications to the address below: 

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

Attn: MCD-Permits

4000 Jackson Avenue

Austin, TX 78731

Looking for more details? Check out our step-by-step guide on how to get a Texas over axle and over gross weight tolerance permit.  

Which Permit Type Do I Need?

Your permit requirement will be based on the type and size of your vehicle and weight: 

  • Superheavy/Oversize Permit: Allows you to operate a vehicle on Texas roadways and bridges that exceeds the size and weight limits based on the vehicle type. Requires a $10,000 bond.  
  • Over Axle Over Gross Weight Tolerance Permit: Allows you to haul divisible commodities on state-maintained and county roads in select counties. Vehicles may exceed the allowable axle weight by a 10% tolerance and exceed the gross weight by 5%. Requires a $15,000 bond. 

Are There Any Limitations or Exceptions Under This Permit and Bond?

There are a few limitations and exceptions to these permits as follows: 

  • The over axle/over gross weight tolerance permit does not cover the Interstate Highway System, which is under federal jurisdiction, rather than the state or counties in Texas.  
  • The permit and bond also only applies to county roads which you specify and pay for in your application. 
  • You cannot cross bridges if your vehicle exceeds the posted allowable weight limit. The only exception is if that bridge is the only reasonable way to reach your destination. 

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